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Do you know how to make cookies? How about HTTP flavored?
Here we are able to spin up a web server which brings us to a page from which we are able to select a recipe to ‘bake’. From the list, Magic Cookies look like the thing we’re after, but they take a while to finish (120 hours)!!
If we take the name of the challenge as a hint, we can start them baking, and use the DevTools to check if we have any session cookies set.
Sure enough, we have a cookie named in_oven, with a value that seems to be base64 encoded.
If we decode the cookie value, we get the following output:
echo "eyJyZWNpcGUiOiAiTWFnaWMgQ29va2llcyIsICJ0aW1lIjogIjEwLzE2LzIwMjMsIDIxOjEzOjEyIn0=" | base64 -d
{"recipe": "Magic Cookies", "time": "10/16/2023, 21:13:12"}
We decided to try changing the time to T-7200 minutes,
echo '{"recipe": "Magic Cookies", "time": "01/01/2001, 21:13:12"}' | base64
and change the value of the cookie to the result, then refresh the page. Sure enough, we got the flag!!! And some admittedly stale cookies…