Human Two
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During the MOVEit Transfer exploitation, there were tons of “indicators of compromise” hashes available for the human2.aspx webshell! We collected a lot of them, but they all look very similar… except for very minor differences. Can you find an oddity?
Here we are given a zip file to download. Once unzipped we are given a ton of html text documents and the objective here is to find which one contains the flag.
All of the file sizes are exactly the same, however, using: diff
on two of the files reveals that line 36 is different between all of the files.
We can then grep for ‘pass’ on that line to identify anything that stands out:
grep pass *
scrolling through we find that one stands out and is much longer than the others:
cc53495bb42e4f6563b68cdbdd5e4c2a9119b498b488f53c0f281d751a368f19: if (!String.Equals(pass, "666c6167-7b36-6365-3666-366131356464"+"64623065-6262-3333-3262-666166326230"+"62383564-317d-0000-0000-000000000000"))
We can then decode the hex values from this to retrieve the flag. Here is another fancy one liner to do it all in one go:
grep pass * | grep -v var | egrep -E '.{200,}' | egrep -oE '\"([0-9a-f+"-]+)\"' | tr -d '"' | xxd -r -p