n00bCTF Misc challenges
These are the solutions I was able to find under the Misc category.
Sanity check
This one was pretty straightforward, the prompt reads:
Welcome to n00bzCTF2023! Make sure to read the rules on our website.
There might be something 😉Also don't forget to join our discord server at https://discord.com/invite/Kze7sjpgf7.
I simply went to the /rules page and viewed the page source. After scrolling you can find the flag!
Flag: n00bz{w3lc0m3_t0_n00bzCTF_2023!}
Amazing Song Lyrics
This is a wierd png file. I hope you can make some sense out of it!
There is a link to download chall.png
I downloaded the file and decided to check the strings:
strings chall
I found the flag!!
Flag: n00bz{N3v3R_$torE_$ENs1TIV3_1nFOrMa7IOn_P1aiNtexT_In_yoUr_bin4rI3S!!!!!}
My Chemical Romance
My friend loves Chemistry very much specially the elements.
Once I asked him the wifi password he gave me some numbers like 186808155710 and told me that the number are in group of two
like 1008 -> 10 and 08/8. Can you help to gather the wifi password? (Note: It forms a complete word, so you might have to leave out something).
we are given the code: 186808155710
we are told to group the numbers by twos, and since the challenge mentions chemistry I decided to see if the numbers matched atomic numbers on the perodic table, then used the element abbreviation as the key:
18 ar 68 er 08 o 15 p 57 la 10 ne aeroplane
Then I wrapped the anwer in the flag{} format and solved the challenge!
Flag: n00bz{aeroplane}